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If the item is materially similar to the description and preview and works the way it should, there is generally no obligation to provide a refund in situations like the following:

  • you don’t want it after you have downloaded it.,the item did not meet your expectations
  • you simply change your mind; you bought an item by mistake
  • you do not have sufficient expertise to use the item
  • you ask for goodwill

or you can no longer access the item because it has been removed (we advise you to download items as soon as you have purchased them to avoid this situation)

We are do not support Update Free. You can not buy old version and request update latest version.

Yes, you can download previously purchased products. (We are do NOT support Update Free or Re-Download if item Deleted)

No waiting. The link is always available after your successful payment. High Speed, Safety.

A product license is a document that provides legally binding guidelines for the use and distribution of software.

Products licenses typically provide end users with the right to one or more copies of the product without violating copyrights. The license also defines the responsibilities of the parties entering into the license agreement and may impose restrictions on how the product can be used.

Product licensing terms and conditions usually include fair use of the product, the limitations of liability, warranties and disclaimers. They also specify protections if the product or its use infringes on the intellectual property rights of others.

Product licenses typically are proprietary, free or open source. The distinguishing feature is the terms under which users may redistribute or copy the product for future development or use.

A product license is a document that states the rights of the developer and user of a piece of product. It defines how the product can be used and how it will be paid for. The following are some examples of specifications a license might include:

  • how many times the software can be downloaded
  • what the software will cost and
  • what level of access users will have to the source code

Licenses typically are expressed as an end-user license agreement or an enterprise license agreement. The license is a contract between the user or user organisation and the developer. It defines the terms of the license. A user must agree to the terms of the license when acquiring the product.

Product also comes with a license key or product key. The key is used to identify and verify the specific version of the product. It is also used to activate the product on a specific domain or device.

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